Cay Oest

Schlagwort: quant finance

The Bermudan Put

Following this post, let \( D(t) := e^{-rt} \) be the discount factor, \( D_i := D(t_i) \).

Given the relationship


Let \( p_n^{Ber} \) be a n-Bermudan put with strike vector \( \mathbf{ K } \). Let \( c_n \) be the n-installment call with the same exercise dates, \( q_n = K_n \), and \[ \tag{1} q_i = K_i – \sum_{j = i+1}^n q_j \frac{D_j}{D_i}, \] then the following identity holds: \[ c_n + \sum_{i=1}^{n} D_i q_i = S + p_n^{\text{Ber}} \]

and the formula for the installment call from [GWK07]

Theorem (Griebsch/Wystup/Kühn)

The value of the \(n\)-installment call \(c_n\) is

\[ c_n = S N_n^+ – \sum_{i=1}^n D_i q_i N_i^- \]

according to the abbreviations here, we would like to derive the formula for the Bermudan put.

The recursive condition (1) yields

q_i = K_i – K_{i+1} D_{i+1} / D_i

with \( K_{n + 1} := D_{n+1} := 0 \).

Then, the formula for the Bermudan put becomes
\begin {eqnarray}
p_n^{Ber} & = & c_n + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i q_i – S \\
& = & S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i q_i – \sum_{i=1}^n D_i q_i N_i^- \\
& = & S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i (1-N_i^-) (K_i – K_{i+1} D_{i+1} / D_i) \\
& = & S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i (1-N_i^-) K_i – \sum_{i=1}^n D_{i+1} K_{i+1} (1-N_i^-) \\
& = & S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i (1-N_i^-) K_i – \sum_{i=2}^n D_{i} K_{i} (1-N_{i-1}^-) \\
& = & S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=2}^n D_i (N_{i-1}^- – N_i^-) K_i + D_1 (1-N_1^-) K_1 \\

Fortunately, it follows from [SH87] that for \( k \geq 2 \)
N_{i-1}^- – N_i^- = \overline{N_i^-},

and \( 1 – N_1^- = \overline{N_1^-} \).

Corollary (Geske/Johnson)

\[ p_n^{Ber} = S(N_n^+ – 1) + \sum_{i=1}^n D_i K_i \overline{N_{i}^-} \]

which coincides with [GJ84]’s formula for constant strike, since [SH87] also derive that:

N_n^+ = 1 – \sum_{i = 1}^n \overline{N_i^+},

only that this formula allows for variable strikes, too.

Notation and Definitions

Let \( N_k( \mathbf{y_k}; \mathbf{R_k}) \) be the \( k \)-dimensional cumulative normal distribution with upper bounds \( \mathbf{y_k} \in \mathbb{R}^k \) and covariance matrix \( \mathbf{ R_k } = ( \rho_{ij} ) \) with \( \rho_{ij} = \sqrt{t_i / t_j} \).

\( \mathbf{d_k^{\pm}} := (d^{\pm}(\overline{ S_1 }, t_1) , \ldots, d^{\pm}(\overline{ S_k }, t_k ) ) \), where \( d^{\pm}( strike, maturity ) \) are the usual Black-Scholes-Merton parameters.

\( \overline{ S_i } \) is the discrete stopping boundary which is recursively defined as in [GWK07] or [GJ84], respectively.

Let \( \mathbf{D_k} := diag(1, \cdots, 1, -1) \in \mathbb{R}^{k \times k} \), \( \mathbf{ \overline{ R_k } } := \mathbf{ D_k R_k D_k } \), and \( \mathbf{ \overline{ y_k } } := \mathbf{ D_k y_k } \).

Let’s also simplify the notation by \( N_k^{\pm} := N_k( \mathbf{ d_k^{\pm} }; \mathbf{ R_k }) \).
Analogously, define \( \overline{ N_k^{\pm}} := N_k( \mathbf{ \overline{ d_k^{\pm} }}; \mathbf{ \overline { R_k }} ) \).


  • [GJ84] Robert Geske and H. E. Johnson (1984). The American Put Option Valued Analytically, The Journal of Finance 39.5 (1984), 1511-1524.
  • [GWK07] Susanne Griebsch, Christoph Kühn, and Uwe Wystup (2007). Instalment options: a closed-form solution and the limiting case, CPQF Working Paper Series 5 (2007).
  • [SH87] Michael Selby, Stewart Hodges (1987). On the evaluation of compound options, Management Science 33.3 (1987), 347-355

Installment Options with Dividends

The previous post about parity relations between installment calls and American puts has not taken into account dividends. This is due to the fact that \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n) \neq S_t \] whenever \( \delta \neq 0 \).

However, numerical experiments show that


\[ C(t, S_t; \chi(t, S_t)) + K = P(t, S_t) + S_t \] where the variable installment rate \[ \chi(t, S_t) = rK – \delta S_t \] is path-dependent upon the price process \( S_t \). Similarly, for American calls: \[ P(t, S_t; -\chi(t, S_t)) + S_t = C(t, S_t) + K. \]

Installment Options


An installment option is an option where the holder makes a down payment at the beginning of the term and further installments at predetermined dates during its lifetime to maintain the option. Once a payment is missed, the option
lapses and all previous payments are non-refundable.

The simplest form of an installment option is a compound option. A compound option is an option on an option, for instance a call on a call. The compound call on a call can be viewed as an installment option with one installment: When the mother option expires, the option holder has the right, but not the obligation to buy (or sell) the daughter option for a given price \(q_1\). This is equivalent to paying the installment rate \(q_1\).

Interestingly, Black and Scholes themselves regarded stock options as „compound options“, because they viewed stock prices themselves as call options on the assets \(A \) minus the liabilities \( L \) without personal liability( the \( (.)^+ \) operator ), or

S_t=e^{-rT} \mathbb{E}((A-L)^+ ).

The Discrete Generalization

More formally, a discrete-time installment option or n-installment-option on an underlying \(S_t\) is an installment option with a countable, usually finite installment plan \[\mathbf{q} = (t_i, q_i) \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^n, t_1 < . . . < t_n = T\] where the payment \(q_i\) is due at time \(t_i\). Its value at time \(t\) is denoted by \(c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q})\) for the call. Hence, \(c_1(t, S_t; K, T)\) is the standard European call, and \( c_2(t, S_t; (t_1, q_1; K, T)) \) is the standard compound call on a call.

Furthermore, discrete n-installment options are deeply nested compound options in the sense that an n-installment option is actually an option on an option on… an option (n times).

Strictly speaking:

c_{n}(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) = c(…. c(t, S_t; t_n q_n); t_{n-1}, q_{n-1}) …,), t_1, q_1).
The discrete n-installment call \( c_n(t, S_t, \mathbf{q}) \) was valued analytically by Griebsch, Wystup and Kühn in their paper from 2007 [GWK07] which involves the n-variate cumulative normal distribution.

A Bermudan put is a put on an underlying \(S_t\) with discrete exercise dates \(t_1, . . . , t_n\). It is the the discretization of the American put.

Let us assume that the strike may be variable, hence we define a floating strike plan \(\mathbf{K} = (t_i, K_i)^n \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^n\). Its value is denoted by \(p_n^{Ber}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K})\).

Essential for the further consideration is the following theorem from Davis, Schachermayer, and Tompkins [DST01]:

Theorem (Davis/Schachermayer/Tompkins)

For the \(n\)-installment call \(c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q})\), one obtains the following identity for the net present value of all installment payments:

\[ \begin{eqnarray} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) + \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-r t_i} & = & c(t,S_t; t_n, q_n)\\ & & + p_{n-1}^{\text{Ber}}(t, c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n); \mathbf{K}), \end{eqnarray} \]


\[ K_i = \sum_{j=i}^{n-1}q_i e^{-r(t_j-t_i)}. \]

The net present value of all payments for the installment call corresponds to the value of the underlying call plus a Bermudan put on this call, where the strikes correspond to the net present values of all future installments.

The rather unhelpful Bermudan put on a standard call in the previous theorem \( p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, c(t, S_t; q_n, t_n); \mathbf{K}) \) seems overly complicated. Can this be simplified?

One trick is to just let \(q_n\) vanish.

  1. On the left hand side of the equation, the n-installment call converges to the (n-1)-installment call when the last strike disappears: \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) = c_{n-1}(t, S_t; \mathbf{q_1^{n-1}}), \]. where \(\mathbf{q_1^{n-1}}\) is the vector \(\mathbf{q}\) without the \(n\)-th column, i.e., \[ \mathbf{q_1^{n-1}} = ((t_1, q_1), \ldots, (t_{n-1}, q_{n-1})) \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^{n-1}. \]
  2. On the right hand side, the value of the plain vanilla option approximates its underlying: \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n) = S_t. \]
  3. The Bermudan put on the call converges to the Bermudan put on the underlying \(S_t\): \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n); \mathbf{K}) = p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K}) . \]

Clealy, when we put \( n = n+1 \) and start from there, this will happen.

Hence, by replacing \(n\) by \((n+1)\) in the theorem above, we arrive at the following simplification:


Let \( p_n^{Ber}( t, S_t; \mathbf{K} ) \) be a Bermuda put with strike vector \( \mathbf{K} \). Under the condition that \( q_n := K_n \), and for all \( i < n \) \[ q_i := K_i - \sum_{j = i+1}^n q_j e^{-r t_i} > 0, \] then the following identity holds: \[ c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) + \sum_{i=1}^{n} q_i e^{-r t_i} = S_t + p_n^{\text{Ber}}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K}). \]

Surprisingly, this corollary verifies Geske/Johnson’s [GJ84] result about Bermudan puts with Griebsch, Wystup, Kühn’s [GWK07] result about the discrete \(n\)-installment call within the Black-Scholes framework – and vice versa.

The Continuous Case

How do installment options behave in the infinitesimal case?

A continuous-time installment option on an underlying \(S_t\) is an installment option with a continuous installment rate \(q\), such that the holder of the option pays the issuer exactly \(q · dt\) in the infinitesimal interval \(dt\). The value of this option is denoted by \(C(t, S_t; q)\).
A very useful result has once again been elaborated by [DST01]:


Let \( C(t, S_t; q) \) be a continuous installment call with rate \( q \). Let \( c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q^{(n)}}) \) be an \(n\)-installment call with equidistant installment dates \( t_i^{(n)} = iT/n \) and constant rates

\[ q_i^{(n)} = \frac{q}{r} \left( 1 – e^{-rT/n} \right). \]

Then the following limiting identity holds:

\[ \lim_{n \to \infty} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q^{(n)}}) = C(t, S_t; q). \]

Given the corollary about Bermudan options before, and the result about how you connect discrete and continuous installment options, we can choose installment rates

\[ q_i^{(n)} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} K, & i = n \\ K\left( 1-e^{-r T/n} \right), & i < n \end{array} \right. \]

Then, the discrete installment call converges to the continuous installment call with rate \( q = rK \). The sum on the left hand side of the corollary converges to \( K \).

The Bermudan put on the right hand side converges to the American put \( P(t, S_t) \).



\[ C(t, S_t; rK) + K = P(t, S_t) + S_t. \]

„Proof“: So, once we define \( q_i^{(n)} \) according to the equation, the first term clearly converges to the installment call with rate \( r K \) .

The Bermuda Put clearly converges to the American put.

\( S_t \) does not converge to anything but itself.

So what’s left is the sum:

\sum_{i = 1}^n q_i e^{-rt_i} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-rt_i} + K e^{- rT }.

Given that \( q_n=K \), but \( q_i = K(1-e^{-irT/n}) \) for i < n,

we will find that

\sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-rt_i} & = & K \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} (1-e^{-rT/n})e^{-rt_i} \\
& = & K \left( \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} e^{-rt_i} – \sum_{i = 2}^n e^{-rt_i} \right) \\
& = & K ( e^{-r t_1} – e^{-rT} ).

For \( n \rightarrow \infty \) the first term goes to 1. Hence, the total sum converges to \( K \).


  • [DST01] Davis, M., Schachermayer, W., & Tompkins, R. (2001). Pricing, No-arbitrage Bounds and Robust Hedging of Installment Options, Quantitative Finance 1 (2001), 567-610.
  • [GJ84] Robert Geske and H. E. Johnson (1984). The American Put Option Valued Analytically, The Journal of Finance 39.5 (1984), 1511-1524.
  • [GWK07] Susanne Griebsch, Christoph Kühn, and Uwe Wystup (2007). Instalment options: a closed-form solution and the limiting case, CPQF Working Paper Series 5 (2007).

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