Cay Oest

Monat: Dezember 2024

Installment Options with Dividends

The previous post about parity relations between installment calls and American puts has not taken into account dividends. This is due to the fact that \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n) \neq S_t \] whenever \( \delta \neq 0 \).

However, numerical experiments show that


\[ C(t, S_t; \chi(t, S_t)) + K = P(t, S_t) + S_t \] where the variable installment rate \[ \chi(t, S_t) = rK – \delta S_t \] is path-dependent upon the price process \( S_t \). Similarly, for American calls: \[ P(t, S_t; -\chi(t, S_t)) + S_t = C(t, S_t) + K. \]

Installment Options


An installment option is an option where the holder makes a down payment at the beginning of the term and further installments at predetermined dates during its lifetime to maintain the option. Once a payment is missed, the option
lapses and all previous payments are non-refundable.

The simplest form of an installment option is a compound option. A compound option is an option on an option, for instance a call on a call. The compound call on a call can be viewed as an installment option with one installment: When the mother option expires, the option holder has the right, but not the obligation to buy (or sell) the daughter option for a given price \(q_1\). This is equivalent to paying the installment rate \(q_1\).

Interestingly, Black and Scholes themselves regarded stock options as „compound options“, because they viewed stock prices themselves as call options on the assets \(A \) minus the liabilities \( L \) without personal liability( the \( (.)^+ \) operator ), or

S_t=e^{-rT} \mathbb{E}((A-L)^+ ).

The Discrete Generalization

More formally, a discrete-time installment option or n-installment-option on an underlying \(S_t\) is an installment option with a countable, usually finite installment plan \[\mathbf{q} = (t_i, q_i) \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^n, t_1 < . . . < t_n = T\] where the payment \(q_i\) is due at time \(t_i\). Its value at time \(t\) is denoted by \(c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q})\) for the call. Hence, \(c_1(t, S_t; K, T)\) is the standard European call, and \( c_2(t, S_t; (t_1, q_1; K, T)) \) is the standard compound call on a call.

Furthermore, discrete n-installment options are deeply nested compound options in the sense that an n-installment option is actually an option on an option on… an option (n times).

Strictly speaking:

c_{n}(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) = c(…. c(t, S_t; t_n q_n); t_{n-1}, q_{n-1}) …,), t_1, q_1).
The discrete n-installment call \( c_n(t, S_t, \mathbf{q}) \) was valued analytically by Griebsch, Wystup and Kühn in their paper from 2007 [GWK07] which involves the n-variate cumulative normal distribution.

A Bermudan put is a put on an underlying \(S_t\) with discrete exercise dates \(t_1, . . . , t_n\). It is the the discretization of the American put.

Let us assume that the strike may be variable, hence we define a floating strike plan \(\mathbf{K} = (t_i, K_i)^n \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^n\). Its value is denoted by \(p_n^{Ber}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K})\).

Essential for the further consideration is the following theorem from Davis, Schachermayer, and Tompkins [DST01]:

Theorem (Davis/Schachermayer/Tompkins)

For the \(n\)-installment call \(c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q})\), one obtains the following identity for the net present value of all installment payments:

\[ \begin{eqnarray} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) + \sum_{i=1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-r t_i} & = & c(t,S_t; t_n, q_n)\\ & & + p_{n-1}^{\text{Ber}}(t, c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n); \mathbf{K}), \end{eqnarray} \]


\[ K_i = \sum_{j=i}^{n-1}q_i e^{-r(t_j-t_i)}. \]

The net present value of all payments for the installment call corresponds to the value of the underlying call plus a Bermudan put on this call, where the strikes correspond to the net present values of all future installments.

The rather unhelpful Bermudan put on a standard call in the previous theorem \( p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, c(t, S_t; q_n, t_n); \mathbf{K}) \) seems overly complicated. Can this be simplified?

One trick is to just let \(q_n\) vanish.

  1. On the left hand side of the equation, the n-installment call converges to the (n-1)-installment call when the last strike disappears: \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) = c_{n-1}(t, S_t; \mathbf{q_1^{n-1}}), \]. where \(\mathbf{q_1^{n-1}}\) is the vector \(\mathbf{q}\) without the \(n\)-th column, i.e., \[ \mathbf{q_1^{n-1}} = ((t_1, q_1), \ldots, (t_{n-1}, q_{n-1})) \in (\mathbb{R}^2)^{n-1}. \]
  2. On the right hand side, the value of the plain vanilla option approximates its underlying: \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n) = S_t. \]
  3. The Bermudan put on the call converges to the Bermudan put on the underlying \(S_t\): \[ \lim_{q_n \rightarrow 0} p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, c(t, S_t; t_n, q_n); \mathbf{K}) = p_{n-1}^{Ber}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K}) . \]

Clealy, when we put \( n = n+1 \) and start from there, this will happen.

Hence, by replacing \(n\) by \((n+1)\) in the theorem above, we arrive at the following simplification:


Let \( p_n^{Ber}( t, S_t; \mathbf{K} ) \) be a Bermuda put with strike vector \( \mathbf{K} \). Under the condition that \( q_n := K_n \), and for all \( i < n \) \[ q_i := K_i - \sum_{j = i+1}^n q_j e^{-r t_i} > 0, \] then the following identity holds: \[ c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q}) + \sum_{i=1}^{n} q_i e^{-r t_i} = S_t + p_n^{\text{Ber}}(t, S_t; \mathbf{K}). \]

Surprisingly, this corollary verifies Geske/Johnson’s [GJ84] result about Bermudan puts with Griebsch, Wystup, Kühn’s [GWK07] result about the discrete \(n\)-installment call within the Black-Scholes framework – and vice versa.

The Continuous Case

How do installment options behave in the infinitesimal case?

A continuous-time installment option on an underlying \(S_t\) is an installment option with a continuous installment rate \(q\), such that the holder of the option pays the issuer exactly \(q · dt\) in the infinitesimal interval \(dt\). The value of this option is denoted by \(C(t, S_t; q)\).
A very useful result has once again been elaborated by [DST01]:


Let \( C(t, S_t; q) \) be a continuous installment call with rate \( q \). Let \( c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q^{(n)}}) \) be an \(n\)-installment call with equidistant installment dates \( t_i^{(n)} = iT/n \) and constant rates

\[ q_i^{(n)} = \frac{q}{r} \left( 1 – e^{-rT/n} \right). \]

Then the following limiting identity holds:

\[ \lim_{n \to \infty} c_n(t, S_t; \mathbf{q^{(n)}}) = C(t, S_t; q). \]

Given the corollary about Bermudan options before, and the result about how you connect discrete and continuous installment options, we can choose installment rates

\[ q_i^{(n)} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} K, & i = n \\ K\left( 1-e^{-r T/n} \right), & i < n \end{array} \right. \]

Then, the discrete installment call converges to the continuous installment call with rate \( q = rK \). The sum on the left hand side of the corollary converges to \( K \).

The Bermudan put on the right hand side converges to the American put \( P(t, S_t) \).



\[ C(t, S_t; rK) + K = P(t, S_t) + S_t. \]

„Proof“: So, once we define \( q_i^{(n)} \) according to the equation, the first term clearly converges to the installment call with rate \( r K \) .

The Bermuda Put clearly converges to the American put.

\( S_t \) does not converge to anything but itself.

So what’s left is the sum:

\sum_{i = 1}^n q_i e^{-rt_i} = \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-rt_i} + K e^{- rT }.

Given that \( q_n=K \), but \( q_i = K(1-e^{-irT/n}) \) for i < n,

we will find that

\sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} q_i e^{-rt_i} & = & K \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} (1-e^{-rT/n})e^{-rt_i} \\
& = & K \left( \sum_{i = 1}^{n-1} e^{-rt_i} – \sum_{i = 2}^n e^{-rt_i} \right) \\
& = & K ( e^{-r t_1} – e^{-rT} ).

For \( n \rightarrow \infty \) the first term goes to 1. Hence, the total sum converges to \( K \).


  • [DST01] Davis, M., Schachermayer, W., & Tompkins, R. (2001). Pricing, No-arbitrage Bounds and Robust Hedging of Installment Options, Quantitative Finance 1 (2001), 567-610.
  • [GJ84] Robert Geske and H. E. Johnson (1984). The American Put Option Valued Analytically, The Journal of Finance 39.5 (1984), 1511-1524.
  • [GWK07] Susanne Griebsch, Christoph Kühn, and Uwe Wystup (2007). Instalment options: a closed-form solution and the limiting case, CPQF Working Paper Series 5 (2007).

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